
A docker image is automatically created from the develop branch.

Docker Compose with Postgresql

To bring up SMM and a PostgreSQL server using docker-compose, you can use this docker-compose.yaml

version: '3'

    image: postgis/postgis:15-3.3
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      test: "pg_isready --username=postgres"
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 20
    image: canterburyairpatrol/search-management-map:latest
      - "8080:8080"
        condition: service_healthy
      - DB_HOST=db
      - DB_USER=postgres
      - DB_NAME=postgres
      - DB_PASS=postgres
      - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=administrator

This will give you a local instance of SMM running at http://localhost:8080 that you can login to with user: admin and password: administrator

This setup makes use of the postgis/postgis docker image. If you want to store the data more permanently than what docker-compose does, you can mount a directory from your host to /var/lib/postgresql/data (or the value of the environment variable PGDATA)

If you plan to use this to setup a production server, it is highly recommend that you set different values for DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME and DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD

Using an existing PostgreSQL server

If you have an existing PostgreSQL server that has the PostGIS extension installed, you can use that to store your data.

docker run -e DB_HOST=mydbserver -e DB_USER=dbuser -e DB_NAME=smm -e DB_PASS=dbpass -e DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=admin -e DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=administrator -e -p canterburyairpatrol/search-management-map

This will give you a local instance of SMM running at http://localhost:8080 that you can login to with user: admin and password: administrator.

On the database server, either the user dbuser needs to have the ability to CREATE EXTENSION postgis; on the database smm, or you need to run CREATE EXTENSION postgis; before SMM first tries to connect, or you will get an error.

Note: In the example above the service is only available to connect to on the local device. It is highly recommended that you use a different username and password instead of the example admin account, if you intend to allow anyone else to access this service.

While this instance will store most of it's data to your PostgreSQL database, any uploaded images will be stored in the instance. If you want to persistently store this images, you will need to supply a location for the thumbnails and original images by including the arguments -v /data/thumbnails:/code/images/thumbnails -v /data/images:/code/images/full to the docker command line above.